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Production and Pests Control of Syzygium samarangense

Production and Pests Control of Syzygium samarangense

ISBN: 978-7-109-20323-5

Price: 36.00 RMB


This book has 5 chapters in total, covering the distribution, shape, production area, cultivated varieties, biological features, reproduction and pest control of wax apple. It mainly introduces the types, distribution of the diseases and insect pests of the fresh fruit of wax apple, and measures for preventing and controlling, it also focuses on the problems that must be paid attention to in the process of production, transportation and marketing. This book is of scientific value and it is operable, which will play a positive role in promoting the development of domestic wax apple industry and controlling the diseases. It can provide technical support for the cultivation of wax apple, pest control and domestic and foreign trade.

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